The people of idukki are the most simple and down to earth people. They like to live in their own world of simplicity and originality. The people of Idukki are very practical and active. They are proud of their culture and will go to any lengths to preserve them. The lifestyle of ‘Idukkikkaran’ is uncomplicated and they seem happy and content with the simple pleasures of life.
The people speak Malayalam. These people emphasize much on education and make it a point to ensure that the younger generation knows the religious teachings of their culture. As far as the religion of Idukki is concerned, there are mainly three religions- Hinduism,
Christianity and Islam. According to the 2011 census 48.86% of the population of Idukki are Hindus, 43.42% Christians and 7.41% Muslims. They are very progressive in terms of cleanliness, healthcare and physical quality of life. Most people are conversant in English and make it a point that their kids receive better education.
The people dress very ordinarily. Regarding food, they are very particular about their health and are conscious about sticking to a balanced diet. They seek mental satisfaction more than materialistic pleasures. The women dress up in the traditional unique attire mainly saris. The men mostly wear white mundu (dhoti) with a shirt or a cotton "lungi" (a sarong like dress). The younger generation follows fashion and wears anything from jeans to salwar kameez.